y6 SATs Tuition

Prepare for Year 6 SATs with Confidence

  • A weekly, face-to-face, group class
  • Set in a distraction-free, local learning space
  • Small class size (maximum of 8)
  • Every Tuesday – Maths Class: 5-6 pm / English Class: 6-7 pm
  • Total cost: £70 per month, per student, per subject

Common Challenges Year 6 Students Face During SATs

  • Test Anxiety and Pressure: Many Year 6 students feel overwhelmed by the pressure of SATs, leading to anxiety that can affect their performance. The fear of failure or not meeting expectations can be particularly daunting.

  • Understanding the Test Format: The SATs require students to be familiar with specific formats, such as multiple-choice questions, short answers, and extended writing tasks. Students who struggle with these formats may find it challenging to showcase their knowledge effectively.

  • Time Management: Managing time effectively during the exams is a common challenge. Students may rush through questions or spend too much time on one, leaving insufficient time for other sections.

  • Knowledge Gaps: Despite their classroom learning, students may have gaps in their understanding of key concepts, particularly in subjects like Maths and English. These gaps can result in lower scores if not addressed.

  • Reading Comprehension: SATs often include complex texts that require strong reading comprehension skills. Students who struggle with inference, vocabulary, or critical thinking may find these sections particularly difficult.

  • Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar (SPaG): SPaG is a key component of the SATs, and students who are not confident in these areas may lose valuable marks.

Y6 SATs Maths & English Tuition: Our Approach

  • Personalised Learning: Extra tuition provides tailored support, focusing on areas where the student struggles. Our Tutors can identify gaps in knowledge and work on those specific areas.
  • Confidence Building: Regular practice and positive reinforcement from our tutors can help build a student’s confidence, making them more comfortable tackling challenging problems.
  • Exam Techniques: Our tutors can teach specific exam strategies, such as time management, how to approach word problems, and how to check work effectively, which are crucial for SAT success.
  • Targeted Revision: Tuition sessions can be used for targeted revision, revisiting topics that are likely to appear in the exams. This helps reinforce the student’s understanding and retention of key concepts.
  • Practice with Past Papers: Working through past SATs papers with one of our tutors can help students become familiar with the format and types of questions they will encounter, reducing exam-day anxiety.
  • Support with Homework: Our tutors can also help with homework, ensuring that students understand the tasks set by their school and can complete them to a high standard.
  • Boosting Performance: By addressing weaknesses and reinforcing strengths, tuition can significantly boost a student’s performance, helping them to achieve their best possible SATs results.
staff pic sarah

Meet The Tutor:
Sarah Bennett

Sarah has worked as class teacher in primary education for the last 20 years. She has extensive experience in Year 6 and is passionate about building children’s confidence and resilience. She is skilled at breaking down learning into fun, bite-sized chunks and giving students a solid foundation from which to approach their end of KS2 SATs. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys baking with her family and going on country walks.

Our Learning Space

Welcome to our specialised classroom, where every student’s unique needs are met with care and support. Our SEN-friendly environment is designed to promote focus, engagement, and meaningful learning experiences. With personalised attention and tailored resources, we empower neurodivergent and neurotypical students to thrive academically and beyond. 

Prepare for Year 6 SATs with Confidence

  • A weekly, face-to-face, group class
  • Set in a distraction-free, local learning space
  • Small class size (maximum of 8)
  • Every Tuesday – Maths Class: 5-6 pm / English Class: 6-7 pm
  • Total cost: £70 per month, per student, per subject
y6 SATs Tuition

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